Hire reliable Dart developers for business

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How to hire from SkillDB Talent Marketplace?

Whether you have a creative or highly technical project, you can bank on us.

Select talent from our curated list

We have a diverse pool of talent from top companies available for hire. Be it a creative or technical project, you will get talents from our marketplace.

Discuss your project details

After identifying your candidate, share your project details with us. We’ll schedule an interview and facilitate the process. Our experts can also recommend skilled talents based on your requirements.

Hire your preferred talent

The ball is in your court. If the interview went successful, you can sign the contract with the talent’s organization on your terms & preferences.

Ongoing support

We are committed to offering 100% satisfaction to our clients. Throughout the hiring or working process, if you face any issues with the talent — we have your back. Our team will assist you in resolving the issue.
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What I really loved about SkillDB was that they connected me with skilled professionals, and that too from reliable companies! This was a cherry on top as I had bad experiences with freelancers.
Mary Johnson, Marketing Director of Serena Inc.
Not getting quality talents — despite paying hefty fees — is a thing of the past! All thanks to SkillDB, which helped us scout the best talent for our project, and that too without breaking our wallet.
John D'Mello, CEO of Arcane Corporation
I wanted an ecom website but had 0 technical knowledge. So I contacted their team and their support is unparalleled! SkillDB not only helped in shortlisting the right technology, but also the right talent!
David Lee, CFO of BigCo Industries
When SkillDB claims to offer reliable talent, they actually mean it. The designer that I hired was extremely talented, his communication skills were impeccable and most importantly, he delivered the project on time.
Reyna Robert, Marketing Manager at Nexus Technologies
SkillDB is now our de facto platform for hiring professionals. The listed talents are top-tier and their expertise helped us effectively execute our projects. I wish I found SkillDB sooner!!!...
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More about Dart

What is Dart?

Dart is an open-source, object-oriented programming language that can be used to build the front-end user interfaces of mobile and web applications. Dart was designed by Lars Bak and Kasper Lund and developed by Google in 2011.

Dart is the primary programming language being used in the Flutter framework, which helps in creating native-like applications for Android and iOS.

Dart vs. JavaScript: What is the difference

Dart is often lauded as Google’s ‘JavaScript alternative’. Let’s see how it fares against JavaScript. 

JavaScript is a comparatively older language and it is popularly used for front-end web development. Dart, on the other hand, is a more modern language that was created by Google in 2011.

While both programming languages are commonly used for building web applications, they have some significant differences.

Dart is a statically typed language that was designed with a syntax similar to that of languages like Java and C#. The variables in Dart are explicitly declared with a data type at the time of compiling. This makes it easier to catch errors early in the development process, but it can also make the language more cumbersome for some developers. 

JavaScript, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language, meaning that variables don’t need to be declared with a specific data type. This allows for more flexibility but also makes it easier for errors to slip through. 

Dart was designed to be faster and more efficient than JavaScript, particularly for large-scale applications. Moreover, Dart comes with its own set of development tools, such as the Dart SDK and the Dart VM, whereas JavaScript relies on third-party tools such as Node.js and npm.

Advantages of using Dart

Let us have a look at the benefits of using the Dart programming language:

Strong typing

Dart is a statically-typed language, which enables it to catch errors at the time of compilation. This reduces the chances of bugs and runtime errors.

Garbage collection

Dart comes with a garbage collector that automatically frees up memory that is no longer being used. This way Dart programmers don't have to worry about memory management, which can reduce the chances of memory leak issues.

Hot reload

Dart developers can see changes to their code in real-time without having to restart their applications using the hot reload feature. This can speed up development cycles and improve developer productivity.

How to hire Dart developers from SkillDB Talent Marketplace?

Hiring skilled Dart developers is easy with SkillDB Talent Marketplace. We show you a curated list of programmers with experience in Dart coding.

All the software developers listed on our marketplace are from reputable service-based companies instead of freelancers. As they are associated with experienced companies, they have all the necessary resources and skills to execute your Dart projects perfectly.

We show all the details of our listed Dart programmers in their profiles. Details such as their past projects, skillsets, and experience summary are provided to help you shortlist your ideal talent.

Once you shortlist your ideal talent, you can hire them by submitting your project requirements. After submitting your requirements, you will hear back from their team to finalize the contract.

Popular Dart development services

You can hire Dart developers for these services from SkillDB Talent Marketplace:

  • Dart consulting 
  • Dart migration 
  • Enterprise app development
  • Custom web application development
  • Cross-platform app development
  • Dart web development
  • Dart framework plugin development
  • Dart game development
  • Dart server application
  • Dart support and maintenance

Got questions about Dart?

Can I use Dart to make apps for both Android and iOS?

Yes, you can the Flutter framework that uses Dart programming language to create applications for both Android and iOS using the same codebase.

How much does it cost to hire a Dart developer?

The precise cost of hiring a Dart developer varies on factors such as your project’s complexity, the number of developers required, the duration of the project, and the location of the developers. You can find Dart coders that fit your budget at SkillDB Talent Marketplace.

Why should I hire Dart developers from SkillDB Talent Marketplace?

If you wish to get Dart programmers for your projects, you can hire freelancers or dedicated developers associated with professional Dart development companies. SkillDB offers dedicated Dart developers as they are comparatively reliable than freelancers, and they also have better access to resources to execute your projects efficiently. 

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