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on average across 6989 reviews as of Feb 21, 2025

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More about GitLab CI

What is GitLab CI?

GitLab CI is a continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tool of GitLab, which is an online Git repository management platform. It automates and speeds up the process of building, testing, and deploying applications.

GitLab CI offers various programming languages and frameworks, which can be easily integrated with several testing and deployment tools. It has features like parallel job execution, caching of build artifacts, and integration with GitLab’s built-in container registry to deploy Docker images.

It streamlines your software development process, enabling you to concentrate on developing high-quality code rather than manual tasks like testing and deployment.

What are the differences between GitLab CI and Jenkins?

GitLab and Jenkins are both CI/CD tools, but which one can be better? Here are some key differences between both.

  • GitLab CI reflects performance metrics, and you can analyze the slight changes in production, but Jenkins doesn’t support this feature.
  • You can create service-level alerts (or performance alerts) for any notified ongoing event, whereas this feature is not available in Jenkins. You can receive notifications in Jenkins through the email verification plugin.
  • GitLab CI provides you full control over branches and other aspects, but Jenkins offers you limited control to some extent.
  • Regarding the built-in container registry, GitLab CI supports this feature for Docker images, but Jenkins doesn’t have this feature; you need to configure it through plugins.
  • With GitLab CI, you can preview changes in the live environment but not in Jenkins.
  • Jenkins uses Java programming language. On the other hand, GitLab CI uses Ruby.
  • GitLab CI offers you issue tracking and management features, but Jenkins doesn’t have this feature.

Benefits of using GitLab CI

There are several CI/CD tools available, but how does GitLab CI perform better than others? We will discover this here.

Easy configuration

GitLab CI/CD tool can be installed anywhere, whether it’s on premises, cloud, container, and almost on all Linux distributions. Other than it, you can manage the process in Kubernetes as well.

Source code security

It has a fully distributed version control system platform and provides complete control over access control and the code storage location.

Pipeline automation

GitLab has an Auto DevOps feature that automatically detects, builds, tests, deploys, and monitors applications through CI/CD pipeline. It saves time and imposes standard practices because programmers don’t work on a manual setup for those steps.

Deployment scheduling

GitLab offers you CI/CD pipeline schedule feature, which can be used to deploy a specific branch at a specific time.

How to hire GitLab CI programmers?

SkillDB Talent Marketplace offers you highly-skilled GitLab CI developers for contract hire. The curated list of programmers are pre-vetted from top software development companies and fully equipped with all the required resources.

You can take advantage of different search filters of SkillDB that will help you to discover the best GitLab CI programmers. In the developer's profile, you will get a quick overview of all the necessary details, such as the talent’s work experience, ratings, skillset, and past project details.

You can submit the specifics of your project and requirements via SkillDB, and we will get back to you with a handpicked list of reliable talents.

Got questions about GitLab CI?

What should I look for while hiring a GitLab CI developer?

The best GitLab CI programmers should have the expertise to work with CI/CD pipelines, Knowledge of Kubernetes, awareness of the GitLab container registry, and GitLab programming languages (such as Go, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and Vue.js).

How much time will it take to hire developers from SkillDB?

The time to hire top-rated GitLab CI programmers will depend on your project size and type of application. You can contract-hire QA testers through SkillDB in less than 36 business hours.

How much does it cost to hire GitLab CI programmers?

The programmer’s experience, ratings, skills knowledge, number of coders, and development time, are the important aspects of hiring cost of developers.

By submitting your project specifications and requirements through SkillDB Talent Marketplace, you will get an estimated cost of hiring cost of GitLab CI developers.

How can I be confident of the quality and reliability of your talents?

SkillDB Talent Marketplace is one of the best platforms that offer dedicated GitLab CI developers pre-vetted from reputed software development companies. The curated talents are fully equipped with all the resources needed for software development.

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