Hire .NET developers for your business

SkillDB Talent Marketplace offers highly-skilled .NET developers from the top .NET development companies.
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Clients Rate SkillDB .NET Developers 4.6 / 5.0
on average across 7231 reviews as of Feb 21, 2025

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How to hire from SkillDB Talent Marketplace?

Whether you have a creative or highly technical project, you can bank on us.

Select talent from our curated list

We have a diverse pool of talent from top companies available for hire. Be it a creative or technical project, you will get talents from our marketplace.

Discuss your project details

After identifying your candidate, share your project details with us. We’ll schedule an interview and facilitate the process. Our experts can also recommend skilled talents based on your requirements.

Hire your preferred talent

The ball is in your court. If the interview went successful, you can sign the contract with the talent’s organization on your terms & preferences.

Ongoing support

We are committed to offering 100% satisfaction to our clients. Throughout the hiring or working process, if you face any issues with the talent — we have your back. Our team will assist you in resolving the issue.
Our happy customers
What I really loved about SkillDB was that they connected me with skilled professionals, and that too from reliable companies! This was a cherry on top as I had bad experiences with freelancers.
Mary Johnson, Marketing Director of Serena Inc.
Not getting quality talents — despite paying hefty fees — is a thing of the past! All thanks to SkillDB, which helped us scout the best talent for our project, and that too without breaking our wallet.
John D'Mello, CEO of Arcane Corporation
I wanted an ecom website but had 0 technical knowledge. So I contacted their team and their support is unparalleled! SkillDB not only helped in shortlisting the right technology, but also the right talent!
David Lee, CFO of BigCo Industries
When SkillDB claims to offer reliable talent, they actually mean it. The designer that I hired was extremely talented, his communication skills were impeccable and most importantly, he delivered the project on time.
Reyna Robert, Marketing Manager at Nexus Technologies
SkillDB is now our de facto platform for hiring professionals. The listed talents are top-tier and their expertise helped us effectively execute our projects. I wish I found SkillDB sooner!!!...
Sarah Chen, HR Manager of FusionTech

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More about .Net

What is Dot Net or .NET?

Microsoft introduced the .NET framework, which can develop several types of applications, including web, mobile, game, and IoT apps.

.NET is an open-source platform with libraries, runtime, and development tools that allow developers to build applications with different programming languages. It offers a consistent programming model and a common set of APIs that can be used on different operating systems and devices.

Which programming language does .NET use?

.NET uses programming languages like C#, F#, C++, and Visual Basic for developing a wide range of applications. It offers a variety of features to improve the execution speed of application development.

Benefits of using .NET

There are several benefits of using .NET for software development, such as:

Language and platform interoperability

.NET Framework enables developers to build applications in their preferred programming languages — C#, F#, VB.NET, and other .NET languages.

Version compatibility

Older versions of .NET work seamlessly with the latest versions without any modifications.


.NET applications are flexible to work with any Windows platform. With its cross-platform capabilities, it can run applications on other operating systems. Moreover, it allows third parties to create compatible framework implementations on other platforms.

Seamless integration

.NET Framework can integrate with legacy systems like XML. It has the ability to write and process any file format in record time and making it a versatile system with varieties of applications.

Memory management

.NET uses the Common Language Runtime (CLR) for the memory management of an application. It works through a Garbage Collector program, which runs at intervals to check unused system resources and frees up memory.

Extensive class library

.NET programmers can create common coding operations using a wide array of libraries and easily accessible codes. As a result, productivity increases, and development time reduces.

Side-by-side execution

It enables programmers to execute multiple versions of the application on the same computer, which resolves version conflicts.


It has a highly secured mechanism that validates and verifies applications before giving the user access to the program or its source code.

Improved productivity

Besides extensive tools and libraries of .NET, it offers multi-language support, common APIs, and other services for programmers to develop high-quality applications in less time.

Open source

.NET Framework has an open-source structure and one of the biggest community support of 60,000+ developers from well-known companies such as Google, Samsung, Red Hat, and others. These communities help when the users encounter any technical challenges with this platform.

How to hire .NET programmers?

To hire the .NET developers from SkillDB Talent Marketplace, you can search with the name of the skill you are looking for. Then you will get a list of talents matching your criteria. You can shortlist the talents with a quick glance over their expertise level, ratings, and location. Moreover, you can go through their experience summary for a broader perspective.

You will be able to hire your desired talent by sharing your project details, and the talent team will contact you to finalize the contract.

Popular .NET development services

You can develop several applications with .NET, such as:

  • .NET desktop application development
  • .NET web application development
  • .NET blazor application development
  • .NET mobile application development
  • Cloud-native application development
  • IoT-supported application development
  • .NET game development

Got questions about .NET?

Why should I hire .NET developers from SkillDB?

Your project will be in safe hands when you hire developers from our platform. SkillDB Talent Marketplace offers pre-vetted .NET developers who have expertise in providing stable and robust solutions. As a cheery on top, you get developers that fit your project’s budget.

Will the hired developer work in my business hours?

Yes, you can hire developers who are flexible to work within your time zone. With your hired .NET developers, you can conduct meetings or virtual conferences during business hours.

How much does it cost to hire .NET developers?

The cost of hiring .NET programmers on the SkillDB Talent Marketplace depends on your business requirements. There are multiple factors that affect the hiring cost, such as your project scale, talent’s expertise level, skills, ratings, development time, and location.

Hire .NET developers on contract

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