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We have a diverse pool of talent from top companies available for hire. Be it a creative or technical project, you will get talents from our marketplace.

Discuss your project details

After identifying your candidate, share your project details with us. We’ll schedule an interview and facilitate the process. Our experts can also recommend skilled talents based on your requirements.

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The ball is in your court. If the interview went successful, you can sign the contract with the talent’s organization on your terms & preferences.

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More about React.js

What is React.js?

React.js is an open-source Javascript library developed by Facebook. The commonly used syntax for building React.js apps is JSX (JavaScript XML).

React.js can be used to create modern web apps, interactive user interfaces (UI), and single-page applications.  Due to its ease of rendering, deploying, and debugging, it is extremely popular amongst react software developer. 

Is React.js better than plain JavaScript?

Yes, and that’s why you should hire React.js developers instead of plain Javascript developers. While React.js is also based on JavaScript, it offers an edge over plain JavaScript.

For instance, React.js websites run faster than the ones with plain Javascript. Whenever changes are made to a website, the DOM gets changed. A plain JS re-renders the entire DOM in case of changes. React.js uses Virtual DOM, which identifies the changes made to the DOM and updates only that part. This boosts the page loading time.            

What makes React.js perfect for your projects?

The popularity of react js development services is soaring as we speak, making it a go-to facto javascript library for modern front-end projects. Most react developers prefer React.js because of its data flow structure and component hierarchy.

React.js is backed by Facebook. So you can be assured of the technology as it is constantly upgraded and debugged by a prominent tech organization. As react is open source, it has a thriving community of developers sharing tips and tricks and new library updates.  

There are several benefits in favor of using React.js technology:

  • React.js offers flexibility in creating frontend applications owing to its vast JavaScript library.
  • With React.js, the applications can run multiple user interfaces simultaneously without any slowdown in speed. 
  • React.js technology allows you to reuse the UI components as building blocks after creating them. 
    This makes it easier for the react front end developer to scale your apps as you don’t need to re-write the code from scratch.
  • Web Pages created using React.js are rendered fast. This happens because React.js combines the efficiency of JavaScript with Virtual DOM.

How to hire React.js developers using SkillDB?

The process of hiring React.js developers is very easy. You will find plenty of skilled talent profiles on our React.js page. To help you hire React.js developers, we share the ratings, experience level, associated organization, and skills of each talent. You can click on “View Profile” to get even more details, such as their educational background and past projects.

Once you find the perfect talent, click on “Hire,” and you will be prompted to enter your project details. That’s how you hire React.js developers using SkillDB. 

Skills to look for while hiring React.js developers

When you start the hunt to hire React.js developers, you should consider these skills:

  • Thorough understanding of JSX (Javascript XML) as most of the React.js programming uses it. 
  • Clear fundamental concepts of Javascript and ES6, as React.js is based on it.  
  • You should hire React.js developers having knowledge about Redux and Hooks for state management. 
  • For third-party integrations, NPM (node package manager) is needed. React.js developers should be well versed with the NPM registry as it can aid in extending the React library.
  • They should be familiar with software development processes such as BDD (Behaviour-driven development) and TDD (Test-driven development) and should be flexible to adapt to your preferred process. 

These are some component libraries that you can expect your React.js developers to be familiar with:

  • Material UI
  • React bootstrap

Popular React.js services

You can hire React.js developers for the following services:

  • React.js web development
  • React.js front-end development
  • React.js plugin development
  • React.js UX/UI development
  • React.js migration 
  • Custom React.js solution 
  • React.js maintenance and support

Hire React.js developers for your project now. 

Got questions about React.js?

Can React.js be used for the backend?

React.js can only be used for the frontend. However, for the backend, you can use technologies such as Python, PHP, Node.js, etc.

Can React.js be used for developing mobile apps?

The core specialty of React.js lies in creating the front-end components for web apps. React Native is a dedicated mobile library that can be used for react app development for Android as well as iOS.

How much does it cost to hire a React.js developer?

It is hard to share an exact estimate for hiring a React.js developer. It depends on several factors such as the expertise of React.js developer, your project’s complexity, market conditions, and the developer’s location.

You may not require the top 1% of React.js programmers for all your project. At SkillDB, you can find React.js developers with various experience levels that fit your budget and needs.

Why should you outsource your React.js development?

Outsourcing the development of your projects can provide you access to a wider pool of talent. Moreover, in-house hiring is time-consuming, and you will also need to provide initial training. But all the time and resources are saved by outsourcing, which leads to a faster development cycle.

Offshoring your React.js development can provide cost savings.

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